Imagine an allegory set in a steampunk world of adventure and technology—with heroes modeled on the real-life heroes of the Bible. Imagine entering that world through an interactive game that pulls you into the narrative, teaching you the truths of the Bible in a vivid way.

Imagine it all really started in the 1930s in remote New Zealand.

Scarlet City Studios’ game The Aetherlight: Chronicles of the Resistance is an epic retelling of the Bible for kids growing up in a digital world. But the company’s up-to-date mission has its roots in the historic mission of the Postal Sunday School Movement (PSSM)—a ministry that dates back to the 1930s.

For the better part of a century, the PSSM mailed Sunday school lessons to children living in remote parts of New Zealand—and unable to attend church.

The Aetherlight, CCM Magazine - image
“They never would’ve said their mission was to reach kids through the postal system,” remarks Scarlet City’s Tim Cleary. “They would’ve said, ‘Our mission is to reach kids where they are with the story of the Bible.’”

A plan was hatched to reinvent the model in order to reach kids who are growing up in the digital age. That led to the formation of Scarlet City Studios—and its 21st century allegorical adventure game The Aetherlight.


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