Life is crazy, no doubt.  We’re all busier than we should be and we can’t even keep up with our email much less our own lives.  Work seems all consuming, our families often get our time leftovers and many of our churches are trying to come up with more programs to fill whatever is left.  Who has time to think about politics, or the environment, or peace in the Middle East? I struggle to find 45 minutes to mow my own yard in a busy week, and I love to mow my yard.  My point is that this world keeps on spinning regardless of our hectic schedules and busy lives.  In the last few years a bunch of folks smarter than me have decided that the planet Pluto is no longer a planet.  For over 70 years we thought one thing and now the experts are telling us that technology has allowed us to see the truth concerning Pluto.  What about nuclear war, or illegal immigration? Where do we begin when discussing Terrorism?  The bottom line is that there’s too much going on around our own homes to keep up with and when it comes to world matters we try to offer up a prayer, but end up just moving on to our next appointment.  It is all just too much for our little minds to handle – But not for our God.  He rules over everything there is before us and to come, He even said his name was I Am.  No need for further titles, whatever you can think of He Is, whatever is needed He Is.  Our God reigns.  We can find comfort in the truth that God is in control!

I love the story in Matthew that shows a bunch of wet, fearful disciples, who are shaking in their boots, they get so easily consumed with the storm, or just what their eyes can see, when they’ve got the creator of the earth asleep right there with them.  I love the fact that Jesus is asleep, this huge storm to the disciples hasn’t even so much as rustled the sleeping savior, He is sound asleep.  Not only is He in control of the wind but he sleeps peacefully in the middle of it.  They wake Him and as if he’s disappointed in their lack of spiritual maturity he scolds them and very curtly says “Silence!”  In my mind I can see the waves dropping in mid air as if someone turned of the lawn sprinkler and the water in the air has to fall suddenly and unsupported by the waves, and then after the clap of that last wave, it was just as Christ demanded.  There was silence, and His disciples learned a massive lesson on trust and authority.  Our world can be a crazy, scary place, and we must pray for it continually but never doubt that God is fully aware of it’s tossing and turning and with one word he can bring peace.

What storm are you in right now, what struggle is blowing you around and scaring you to death?  Remember that the Savior is near and He IS in control of it all.  Don’t doubt His power, or his compassion for you in the middle of the storm and don’t be afraid to call out to him for a little bit of silence.  Even though you might not be able to keep up with your own schedule, our God really does have the whole world in His hands and He does reign!

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