Despite several lineup changes in recent years, Hawk Nelson continues to write and release infectious, positive pop/rock tracks destined to remain in your head long after the songs are over. After suffering through several offthe-road adversities since 2013’s Made, the boys from Canada—with newest additions David Niacaris and Micah Kuiper—additionally offer their most substantially written album to date. With title track “Diamonds” and “Drops In The Ocean” they have, once again, loaded an album with one radio hit after another. Hawk Nelson continues to reveal their strong backbone as an outfit that can not only survive the post-punk thirtysomething’s, but thrive among its ongoing adaptations. Music fans of all ages just being introduced to the band affectionately known as Hawk will find Diamonds as an extremely easy entry point, while its pop sensibilities yet sophisticated song crafting will appeal to their lifelong fans. Hedge your bets on Diamonds to be among the year’s bigger successes.

Hawk Nelson: ‘Diamonds’ album review
Overall Score
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