Together We Can Make Sustainable Changes

As Christians, we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ, moving toward the most vulnerable in their time of need. Helping people through their hardest challenges doesn’t have to be something “they” do—it can be something “we” do, together.

Let’s Do Something Big Together

As Christians, we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ, moving toward the most vulnerable in their time of need. Helping people through their hardest challenges doesn’t have to be something “they�...

Support Missionaries Who Serve In All Corners Of The Globe With UMC

Few things are more important for the well-being of people and nations than good health for both young and old. When children are well, they can go to school. When teachers are in good health, they can teach. When doctors are fit, they can heal, educate and prevent illness. However, vulnerable communities around the world need health assistance so their communities can flourish in this way.

Give Love With Global Ministries and UMCOR

Across the world, Global Ministries works through over 200 short- and long-term missionaries and partners in more than 60 countries. Since its inception, the agency was intended to be global in all respects, as...

2022 Holiday Gift Guide – December

Welcome to our annual Christmas/Holiday Christian products Gift Guide! Many of our Gift Guide partners help support throughout the year. Show them you appreciate them by checking out these incredible gift ideas for the holiday!

#BeUMC — Generosity Moves Us Forward

As United Methodists, we make an incredible impact on the world. Together, we serve millions of people across the globe, support thousands of local ministries, and advocate for the “least of these.” Generosity is the heart of our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!

United Methodist Communications Human Relations Day Encourages Outreach In Communities

When thinking about how to change the world, we tend to imagine large-scale relief efforts. We think of millions of dollars, resources or volunteers. In reality, worldwide change happens within our local communities’ efforts to spread love, peace and joy to our neighbors. On Human Relations Day, we celebrate the ways in which communities around the world are being the hands and feet of Christ.

What is the Give Love Campaign?

Advent is a season of preparation, patience and peace. During Advent, we prepare ourselves spiritually for the celebration of Christ’s birth. Advent allows us to center ourselves in the virtues of love, joy, ...