What Goes Into A Live Show

So you finally got your gigs booked? Hate to break it you, but you still have a long road ahead of you. Now the hard part comes...you have to get people to show up! But don't sweat it. Many independent artists struggle with the same, simple question: How do I promote my shows? The process can seem o

Five Smooth Stones

Most successful musicians claim their love for their instrument started from childhood and a family member but what is not common is when what started their love for music is still the central part of their daily life. While rare for most, this is all Andrew Franklin knows.

The 2012 Atlas to Artist Development: 10 Tips for a Successful Year

We tend to be in "highlight" mode lately. After all, a brand new year is approaching and overflowing with new opportunities for independent artists. To gear up for 2012, we recap some of the most important topics we've discussed with Michael Blanton throughout 2011. Should you invest in a manager...