Deliver Your Gifts

Each songwriter is given a different set of spiritual gifts. Read on as Krissy Nordhoff (writer of Natalie Grant's Your Great Name) explores why songwriting can be the best delivery method for your unique gifts.

Distribution 101, Pt. 4

So what is the best course of action for independent artists to take going forward? It depends on who you ask. Now that we've explored distribution, major label deals and the like over the course of the last three installments of the series, I'll offer my vision of the future for success as...

Artist Spotlight: Jason Bare

When asked what makes Christmas so special to him, Jason Bare laughs and says "everything!" Of course, Christmas represents the beautiful birth of Jesus but for Bare, it's so much more. The first song he ever wrote was during Christmas and recording a Christmas album has always been dream of his.

Music Business: Answered (December Response)

Are you involved in any business arrangements with songwriters or musicians? Click here to read the question from one of our readers surrounding intellectual property rights and the professional response from industry leader, Michael Blanton.

Devo With Drew Cline: The Cross

I was raised in church. All my life my parents took me to Sunday School and we even occasionally went to Sunday and Wednesday night services (these services seemed, at least in my adolescent mind, to be reserved for the super committed holy crowd). I know church. I know all the clich̩s...

One Year Later

Well, we've made it! CCM Indie will be one year old at the beginning of the year and we are thrilled at the response it has gotten. Not only have we been able to bring you the best in industry information, but also developed new opportunities specially designed for indie artists...

Distribution 101, Pt. 3

Independence is defined as a state of being free from outside control and authority. For the independent musician, remaining independent can be incredibly liberating and extraordinarily burdensome - all at the same time. Those with a fierce work ethic and independent mindset wouldn't change it.