5 reunion-worthy rock bands

We offer up 5 popular suggestions for bands that we lovingly miss and say, "there's more in their musical tanks!"
Project 86, CCM Magazine - image

Project 86 – Finest Moments

This year, Project 86 is celebrating 20 years with all kinds of special plans, but we thought we’d put together our own party recognizing their five finest musical moments...
Propaganda, Jon Foreman, Matt Maher, CCM Magazine - image

Highlights from ‘Soulfest’ 2016

CCM Magazine contributor Jen Rose Yokel shares her highlights from a recent trip to Soulfest in New Hampshire...
Skillet, Jon Cooper, Korey Cooper, Jen Ledger, CCM Magazine - image

Skillet – Their Way & The High Way

Adopting new methods that are already panning out for the juggernaut group, John Cooper and family abandon “procedure” and discover brand new levels of creative freedom
All Sons & Daughters, CCM Magazine - image

All Sons & Daughters – Stories Behind The Songs (Pt 2 of 2)

The finale of an exclusive song-by-song summary of All Sons & Daughters’ anticipated upcoming release, Poets & Saints (Sep. 2, 2016, Integrity Music) as provided by lead members Leslie Ann Jordan and David Alan Leonard