Derek Webb: The Lord’s Prayer Part 5 Staff July 26, 2011 (AUGUST 2011) Derek Webb digs into the fifth line of the Lord's Prayer: Give us this day our daily bread.
Look at the Lyrics”: “”Give Me Your Eyes”” by Brandon Heath” Staff July 25, 2011 (JULY 2011) A deeper look inside "Give Me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath
Look at the Lyrics”: Reach, Peter Furler” Staff July 18, 2011 (JULY 2011) A look inside the meaning and life application of Peter Furler's latest single "Reach."
This is the Day! Staff July 18, 2011 (JULY 2011) Today is a new day! It's funny how I can have several moving targets going at once and yet things still feel as though they're not much different than the day before...
Look at the Lyrics”: Glory Defined, Building 429″ Staff June 9, 2011 (JUNE 2011) A mini-devotional based on Building 429's "Glory Defined."
Look at the Lyrics”: Blessings, Laura Story” Staff June 9, 2011 (JUNE 2011) A devotional based on Laura Story's "Blessings"
Pillar: Building Community In Cyberspace Johnston Moore April 1, 2008 (APRIL 2008) Pillar front man Rob Beckley is learning that community can be developed anywhere, thanks to his web-based church.
Christian Music’s Big Give Christa A. Banister April 1, 2008 (APRIL 2008) Catch up with several of your favorite artists for the latest on their humanitarian initiatives.
Wise Encounters Johnston Moore March 1, 2008 (MARCH 2008) BUILDING 429's Jason Roy and his wife are serious about pouring into the lives of college students.
Faith On The Move: Musicians on Call Staff March 1, 2008 (MARCH 2008) Taking the music to where it's needed most...