New Music Exclusive Artist: Eddie Cavazos

Eddie Cavazos and his wife, Laura, have been husband and wife since 1983 and have been a songwriting team throughout their marriage. Together, they have written Christmas cantatas, children's musicals, jingles and numerous contemporary Christian songs.

New Music Exclusive Artist: The SAFETY

Hailing from small-town, Kentucky… The SAFETY has defied the all-too-common bluegrass stereotypes and exploded onto the Christian Rock scene. With their youth intact, ranging from ages 16-26, their live show is bursting with energy and charisma that is refreshing and leaves you wanting more.

New Music Exclusive Artist: EHM

Wake To Grace" - an Album by EHM Eleventhhourmessengers to inspire and spur your personal relationship with Jesus Christ! Its foundations were etched in years of learning and growing in a new understanding of what this really means.

New Music Exclusive Artist: Tha CorinthD:13

Dwayne's love of 1st Corinthians, Chapter 13, led him to assume he alias, "Tha CornthD:13". The fact that he was also born on the 13th day of July made the title seem even more fitting. Dwayne now spreads the word of the Lord to the lost and hurting with a new name.

New Music Exclusive Artist: Viktory

Viktory, a businessman, family man and Ordained Minister, was born to a 16 year old mother on Chicago's hardened south side. He has seen life times in his 27 years. From the sudden murder of his best friend, to the loss of his 3rd child, Viktory's faith has been tested and solidified.

This is the Day!

(JULY 2011) Today is a new day! It's funny how I can have several moving targets going at once and yet things still feel as though they're not much different than the day before...

New Music Exclusive Artist: Savior Soul

The members of Savior Soul met in the summer of 2010, and it was evident from their first time playing together that they had something special. After five months they were in the recording studio and playing at secular clubs in the Philadelphia area. They have a unique rock sound that is infused...