All Sons & Daughters, Poets & Saints, CCM Magazine - image

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The finale of an exclusive song-by-song summary of All Sons & Daughters’ anticipated upcoming release, Poets & Saints (Sep. 2, 2016, Integrity Music-buy) as provided by lead members Leslie Ann Jordan and David Alan Leonard

“I Surrender”
Named Francesco, perhaps for his mother’s birthplace of France, Francis of Assisi was known as a trouble maker before he was known as a peace maker. The son of a prosperous silk merchant, Francis had the same wealth and notoriety as the knights and noblemen around town. His radical transformation came over time as he had multiple encounters with God during which Francis heard God ask him to “rebuild his church.” Against his father’s wishes, Francis gave most of his money to a local church and over time, he surrendered all of his belongings and wealth to embrace “Lady Poverty.” Francis is the father of the movement of Catholic Franciscans who devote their lives to God by caring for all creatures.

“I Surrender” is written as a response to the life that Francis was willing to relinquish in order to embrace God’s calling.

The riches of this world will fade; the treasures of our God remain. Here I empty myself to owe this world nothing and find everything in You.

This My Inheritance”
Rome, Italy

Peter. Rock. Disciple. Water-walker. Defender and betrayer of Jesus. Apostle.

The first Archbishop of Rome and the first Saint to be canonized.

1 Peter 1:3-12. In his letter to the persecuted church, Peter brings light to an inheritance that is ours in Jesus Christ. No success or failure, suffering or loss, can take away the hope we have in Him. Heirs to the throne, participants in the restoration of earth, purveyors of the Kingdom of God; it should be our greatest joy to celebrate and worship God for this great inheritance.

“This My Inheritance” marries scripture with doxology (liturgical praise) as the natural response to the
glory that is ours in Christ Jesus.

As It was in the beginning
Is now and ever shall be
World without end

All Sons & Daughters, CCM Magazine - imageI Wait”
Burned by the church and his future in-laws, George MacDonald could have easily decided to choose a different path in life. But he desired to find the good in all things. And so he found it in the laughter and imagination of his children and in the joy of writing and bringing stories to life. MacDonald’s work, which was largely unknown until after his death, became a guiding influence for beloved novelist, poet and theologian Clive Staples Lewis (C.S. Lewis).

Significance is something we all desire. But patience and trust in a God who can make all things beautiful is something George MacDonald valued more than personal success. He allowed God to shape and reshape his understanding of the Kingdom while loving his children and creating great art for us all to one day enjoy.

“I Wait” is inspired by the life of George MacDonald and his quote, “the principle part of faith is patience.”

Even through my imperfections His light is shining through. Though dim, I am still a reflection of mercy and of truth.

“You Hold It All Together”
Kidnapped as a teenager and forced into a life of slavery, Patrick of Scotland found himself surrounded by sheep on a hilltop in Ireland, a channel away from his family. Full of sorrow and alone, Patrick leaned heavily on prayer and scripture. Patrick could have easily found himself reciting the Psalms, perhaps Psalm 118, which was most likely penned by another familiar Shepherd, David. Verse 14 says, “The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.”

After a harrowing escape back to Scotland followed by years of theological training and spiritual discovery, Patrick returned to Ireland to bring the hope of Jesus to a barbaric and wayward nation.

“You Hold It All Together” is an account of the life of Saint Patrick. Sorrow and anticipation give way to strength and purpose. Slave turned missionary. Shepherd turned Saint.

…that before I was humbled I was like a stone lying in deep mire, and he that is mighty came and in his mercy raised me up and, indeed, lifted me high up and placed me on top of the wall. And from there I ought to shout out in gratitude to the Lord for his great favors in this world and for ever, that the mind of man cannot measure.Confessions of Saint Patrick

Editor’s note: Log on to for Part 1 of the Poets & Saints song-by-song synopsis in the August 1, 2016 edition of CCM Magazine!

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