CCM Exclusive Song & Video Premiere: Amanda Lindsey Cook ‘Still’
Today, Good Friday, and Amanda Lindsey Cook present a new, never before released song & video for “Still.” This is a new track that is not featured on her most recent album House On A Hill. The message of this song is perfect for the kind of reflection we should all have during this most Holy and important weekend. We hope it blesses you and encourages you in your faith this Easter season.
“We could all use a little more stillness. It gets noisy and crowded in our minds and lives and 9-5’s. This song came to us in a moment of needing stillness to be a true possibility. That return to center. The gravitational pull of Peace.”
—Amanda Lindsey Cook

Verse 1
I lift every fear to the heavens
Watch them disappear in Your presence
One by one they fall into perfect peace
Verse 2
You know everything yet You listen
Through my anxious thoughts with compassion
One by one they fall into perfect peace
So I will be still
Oh I will be still
And know that You are
Know that You are God
Verse 3
Every wall I face, every giant
Every lasting chain, every lion
One by one they fall into perfect peace
If You are with me what can overwhelm me
You render silent all of my worry
If You are with me what can overwhelm me
You end the war and set my heart free
You set my heart free
Written by Amanda Lindsey Cook, Jason Ingram, and Paul Mabury
© 2018 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Amanda Lindsey Publishing (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing) / So Essential Tunes (SESAC) / Fellow Ships Music (SESAC) / Flychild Publishing (SESAC) (admin. at All Rights Reserved.
Used by Permission.
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Click the play button above or here to watch the video for “Still”:
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