BL: Yeah, so cool.

CCM: Rapid fire: When the name of Jesus is spoken or sung, it has the power to unlock…?
DW: Purpose. …I think. Not purpose in the sense of me and my life, but purpose as in, “Wait a minute. I was born to worship. I was born to give glory to God. I was born to know Jesus. I was born to serve Jesus.”

CCM: The name of Jesus contains the keys to…?
BL: Freedom. Two weeks ago I was in a situation where a person really close to us was fighting for their life and there was nothing naturally that I could do for them. But I stood in my kitchen, and I put on Tasha Cobbs Leonard leading “Break Every Chain” at a Baptist church somewhere—like, the 40-minute version. I was like, “This can’t be 40-minutes!” But she just kept going deeper, and deeper, and deeper, and stuff was breaking, and breaking, and breaking. I stood in my kitchen, washing my baby bottles, crying my eyes out, interceding right for my friend, and there was breakthrough that day—that’s what the name of Jesus does.

CCM: The name of Jesus causes us to…?
DW: Repent. I was just reading this morning about God’s promise, and how His words are pure, and how He doesn’t want any of us to be destroyed but He wants the world to repent. I grew up in a very legalistic Christian upbringing, and the word “repent” was very distorted—very really religious and almost as if chains were being put on you when you did so. Then I remember sitting in one of our church services and it being described to me as like, “You’re going ‘this way’ and then you decide, ‘No, I’m not gonna go that way. I’m gonna turn around and put my face towards God.’” Turning away from your old life. Turning away. I think, “This is not a one-time event for me.” I find myself having to repent a lot, you know? I just thank God that He allows us to continually repent. That we’re not just saved on a certain date, but we are being saved and we will be saved, and that repentance is free for every person.

CCM: Can you tell us more about the new live album and the upcoming tour in the States?
DW: We’re kicking off the tour in April, and you can pre-order the album March 2, 2018. The pre-order comes with the song “Who You Say I Am,” which has been a song that’s been really blessing our church. As for the tour, I feel like Pastor Brian [Houston], our senior pastor, he’s releasing his book at the same time, which is called There Is More.

BL: Yes, the name of the album is also the name of Pastor Houston’s book, and [I think] that’s actually going to be the theme of our Hillsong Conference this year, as well.

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