by Matt Conner

When I wrote this song, I never realized how awkward it would be to reference a song that has the word “song” in the title. [Laughs] When I say, “This song “Mercy Is A Song”…,” it sounds funny to me.

This song is the third single from my current album and it’s the first season of the message of this record, which is called All In, which is about living life with no regrets. It’s about not letting our lives be guided by fear but to live bold lives for God.

I didn’t want to get to the end of the messaging of this album without flipping that message upside-down. What I mean is that while I’m encouraging people to go all in for Jesus, I want to remind people that God never asks us to do anything that He hasn’t already done for us. This song is the reminder that God has already gone all in for us in the form of His son Jesus on the cross and that gift of mercy. In Lamentations, we’re promised new mercies every morning with the rising of the sun. So this song is that ultimate reminder that God has already done this for you. This is how great, how deep, how wide his love and mercy is for you.

My favorite part of the song is the reminder that God, in all of His mercy, has given us the ultimate promise that this messed-up world where we live right now is not our home. I know so much of Christian music points to the promise of heaven, but I haven’t heard too many songs lately that did that. I know I personally needed that reminder.

The lyrics at the end say:
“Heaven is a mansion, a promise in the sky / One day we’ll be singing with the angels up on high / The old familiar melody like we’ve known it all along / Heaven is a mansion, mercy is a song.”

I wanted to write a song that was almost like an old gospel hymn. It was simple and repetitive and I kept coming back to that refrain. But then, of course, we produced it and it became this big ole pop song that feels real good to me. [Laughs]

(photo: Sean Hagwell)


You can listing to “Mercy Is A Song” below or by clicking the play button above:

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