CCM: Are there any plans to turn this story into a film? What about each song on the EP also including a video? We’re curious to know if there will be any storylines running throughout a series of videos surrounding this project?
BD: Well, I guess I’d be lying to say we haven’t thought or talked about it. Film is definitely a whole other beast to deal with, so, for now we’re mainly focusing on the writing and the music. We’ll see what happens from there.

CCM: William, if you could sum up your writing in a few words or sentences, what would they be?
WH: My stories are parables of hidden truths about the quantum connection between the spirit and the body before birth. Following birth, these experiences have ramifications leading to ignition points of spiritual awareness.

CCM: How can we purchase a copy of your new book? Previous material?
WH: There are Kindle and paperback editions of Ignition available on Amazon. I try to keep myself pretty removed from the business side of things. I’ve actually been in Africa for the last month doing mission work, and we are in the process of setting up a permanent base there in Malawi where people are suffering and going through some terrible hardships. All of the book proceeds are going to our project in Malawi.

Rapture Ruckus, CCM Magazine - image

click to buy “Fictional” single

CCM: Brad, your music is quite different these days, so what’s the direction for Rapture Ruckus and what can we look forward to?
BD: I think what was cool about this project is there were no preconceived ideas of what it needed to be, no record labels pressuring for radio songs—no box it needed to fit in. At first, we weren’t even sure if it was meant to be a Rapture Ruckus project. I just went into the studio with Geoff [Duncan] (long time co-writer and production collaborator) and we talked about some themes and feelings and got cooking. Once we had the final songs, it seemed to be the right fit. To me, Rapture Ruckus has always been about music for the outcasts, underdogs, and anyone searching for their identity.


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