Safe House, CCM Magazine - image

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Today, another hip hop album will go to market, but above the clamor of boom-bap’s and rhythmic rhymes is truly a message the world needs to hear. You might have casually seen documentaries on human trafficking in the safety of your living room on Netflix or have gone to the movie theater to see Priceless—but just as in-your-face as the music is on Safe House (Renaissance Movement Musicbuy) children around the world are literally staring down the threat of being scooped up and sold into slavery on a daily basis.

Yes, modern day slavery.

As Nigel “Legin” Anderson, founder and one of the Renaissance Music artists featured on Safe House, explains, children in Pretoria, South Africa specifically—where he and his church has partnered with the missions organization Kerus Global—can’t even walk home after school without the worry of being intercepted on a street or pathway and taken to be sold into the vast and underground world of human sex trafficking. Anderson’s family and colleagues, including fellow label mates Sinai and Focus, were so moved by this very real threat, that they have chosen to use the very thing they know and do the best to help provide a safe haven for at least some of these kids in danger.

Which brings us back to today’s most important album release—Safe House. Anderson stated that initially, it will take around $140,000 to get a safe house built, staffed and maintained in Pretoria, and then around another $40,000 annually for operating expenses—all overseen administratively by Kerus Global. One-hundred percent of the proceeds of Safe House will go toward getting this first safe house built and ultimately, one more child safely removed from the peril of human trafficking. Pick up a copy today, and allow the music and message to permeate your soul—send a copy or two to others you know, hip hop fans, perhaps, and step back and see what God can do.

CCM Magazine: So how did all of you at Renaissance Movement get connected with the Safe House Project?
Legin: So, the Safe House Project is actually something that we started when we went to South Africa last year on a mission trip with my church, Crossroads Church. I’m not a pastor there, but I’m kind-of one of the leaders. Our church partnered with Kerus Global, who have been there for seventeen years working with Africans on HIV/AIDS prevention and education, among other things. They will actually be our partners on the ground that will be building, facilitating, and staffing the safe house every day in Pretoria, South Africa.


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