CCM: What were the hills and valleys that inspired the title track/album title?
It’s really just the existence we all experience. Life is a rough time of highs and lows—some unbelievable highs; some amazing moments we get to experience. Then at the same time, there are some really devastating lows that we all walk through.

This song is a song that gives us hope and is a reminder that even on the mountaintops of life, we have to remember we didn’t get there by ourselves, by our own power, or our own ability. It was God who set us in a high place, so we need to remain humble and bow low.

At the same time, when we’re walking through the valleys of life, we need to remember to stand tall because God sees us, and He’s growing us. I had heard a lot of songs–a lot of messages about God being the God of the highs and the lows—but I hadn’t ever heard anything about our posture, or our response, in those big moments to those low moments in life.

Tauren Wells, CCM Magazine - image
CCM: At one point in one of your sermons also titled “Hills And Valleys,” you said, “God is the only One capable of handling the weight of glory.” How do you handle all of the “glory” that comes with being an artist and having a platform?
First of all, platforms don’t make people, they expose them. When somebody gets on a stage, or somebody gets to a certain place of influence, you start to see who they’ve really been all along.


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