There’s nothing like Winter Jam — it’s an amazing concert experience with a variety of different styles of Christian Music. Every night at Winter Jam get to see the absolute Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ on display. Hundreds of lives have been changed through praising and worshipping, along with our pastors’ teachings each year at Winter Jam!

Enjoy this photo gallery from CCM photographer Chelle Propst from the Febraury 3rd stop in Nashville.

The Nashville date included lots of special guests including Matthew West, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes, Francesca Battistelli, Michael Tait, NoBigDyl and more!

This year’s Winter Jam lineup features We The Kingdom, Jeremy Camp, Anne Wilson, Andy Mineo, Disciple, Austin French, NewSong and more


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Staff Photographer

Chelle Propst is an experienced photographer who specializes in live events, concerts, and portraits. She is credited for her contribution to Winter Jam Tour Spectacular with “This is Winter Jam” the movie, as well as having Dr. Bobby Joiner use her photos for the back cover of his books "Hope and Joy in Suffering” and “Talking With Father.” You can contact Chelle at

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