We were made to be courageous
We were made to lead the way…
In the war of the mind I will make my stand
In the battle of the heart and the battle of the hand…
Lord, make us courageous.

Song/Album: “Courageous” / Come to the Well
Artist: Casting Crowns
Writers: Mark Hall, Matthew West

“Have not I commanded you? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, nor dismayed: for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

“Devoted to a life of courage” is one of the mottos of the U.S. Marines. It also describes the mandate given to Joshua and to us by God. We must possess courage in order to perform courageously. Courage is the ability to conquer fear and despair. So how do we possess courage? By appropriating God’s promises!

God promised to be with Joshua wherever he went (Josh. 1:9). God also promised to never fail him or forsake him  (Josh. 1:5). Joshua took those words to heart and acted in faith and obedience to conquer the Promised Land. Mistakes were made, but God never failed him!

Today we need courage to obey and do what’s right; to take our “land” and take a stand for the Lord. We need to be strong when dealing with the death of a loved one or declining health of another; to begin life over as a single or even a single parent. In all of these circumstances our courage will come from the Lord’s presence in our lives and our holding onto His promise of never failing or forsaking us.

We were made to be courageous. We were made to be victorious. The battle belongs to the Lord, but the decision to trust in His Word and act in truth belongs to us!

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