Bryan, TX, (December 8, 2020)
In a new two-disc DVD box set, Heaven and Earth, documentarian Rick Larson is offering scientific evidence directly touching biblical accounts of the birth and death of Jesus of Nazareth.

Available just in time for the Christmas and Easter seasons, the Heaven and Earth set includes Larson’s popular film The Star of Bethlehem. It is a groundbreaking documentary that deploys the scientific method to explore biblical accounts concerning Jesus’ birth. The second film, his new investigative documentary, The Christ Quake, is filmed entirely on-site in Israel. It explores how the Dead Sea strata bear directly on the earthquake at the time of Christ’s crucifixion.

“I think there’s an interplay between the scientific method and Christianity,” said Larson. “I’m convinced that scripture is full of mysteries we can investigate today. If we spot them, start digging and spend some time in research, I think they will yield stories people need to hear.”

Larson, a lawyer and former Texas A&M professor, began filmmaking when he worked through Matthew’s biblical accounts of the star announcing Jesus’ birth. Using modern software, he compared the appearance of ancient skies with the The Star of Bethlehem in Matthew’s gospel. They matched. He presented these findings in live appearances for thousands internationally. In 2007, he released his findings on film. The Star of Bethlehem documentary became a No. 1 best-seller on Amazon and has achieved a vast worldwide audience.

The Star of Bethlehem  Trailer:

“To see that He would write in the sky to announce the coming of our Messiah revealed a new side of God to me,” Larson said. “But what shocked me most was to find that the Bethlehem Star is the beginning of a celestial poem that ends at the crucifixion.”

Turning to the earthquake at the crucifixion Matthew records, Larson began quite literally digging into the strata of the Dead Sea. His second documentary, The Christ Quake, takes viewers into the heart of Israel—the Judean Desert, where Jesus went to pray, and the Dead Sea, which records mysteries. Israeli scholars share their scientific tools to unlock these mysteries. Once again, verifiable scientific fact correlates with a gospel account that might have seemed unlikely or exaggerated.

The Christ Quake Trailer:

“Too often, people believe that faith and science contradict. I have found the opposite is often true. I see over and over objective scientific facts and history correlating with biblical accounts, and that can be terrifically exciting in the case of miracles,” said Larson. “Through Heaven and Earth, I show how spectacular biblical accounts of historical events can be scientifically verified where they touch the natural order.”


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