As a pilot, Jeff Senour has the best seat in the sky when it comes to seeing God’s wondrous creation up close and personal. As both an author and now a recording artist signed to Universal Music Group’s Mi5 Recordings, the singer/songwriter/guitarist who fronts the CTS (Called To Serve) band is a beacon of light to listeners and readers from all walks of life as he shares the inspiring splendor of his riveting ride. Senour and Universal Music Group are currently prepping his debut album, Angels and Miracles. The project’s debut single, “Angels Watching Over Me,” and its accompanying video both release on Friday, April 21, 2023.

Senour moved to Southern California as a young boy after his parents’ divorce, and when his mother remarried, he was adopted by her new husband. His new dad was an electrical engineer by day, but his hobby was flying his Piper Cub airplane. Senour was five years old when his dad took him up for his first airplane ride, and they went on many flying adventures together during his formative years. By the time he was 9 years old, Senour was able to control the plane in flight, although he was barely able to see over the dashboard.

“It wasn’t until I was older that I would realize what a gift I had been given, not only from my dad but a gift from God,” says Senour. “Little did I know that I would spend my life witnessing the world from the lofty view of an airplane and the unique perspective of this world it would give me.”

In addition to taking after his dad as a pilot, Senour also took after his mother, a gifted violinist who got her start as an actress in Hollywood, including the movie Sylvia Scarlett, starring Cary Grant.

After earning his wings in a Learjet and going on to fly a slew of famous celebrities, CEOs and high-profile clients, Senour became a highly sought-after Screen Actors Guild movie pilot in Hollywood.

In multiple hit movies, Senour flew a state-of-the-art aerial camera platform called Vectorvision as an aerial film pilot, collecting flying and aerial coordinator credits in iconic films such as True Lies, Executive Decision, The Silence Of The Lambs, Hot Shots, and Space Cowboys. He was also a photo chase pilot for numerous airframe manufacturers and aerospace companies, filming the Blue Angels, Thunderbirds, Canadian Snowbirds, NASA Dryden at Edwards Air Force Base, Boeing, Lockheed, McDonnell Douglas, Bombardier and Gulfstream. Senour then switched gears to become a helicopter pilot flying for Channel 9 News in Los Angeles, and spent a whopping 25 years as a pilot for Southwest Airlines, ultimately rising from Senior Pilot to Senior Captain and winning the prestigious President’s Award.

All the while, this skies-the-limit singer/songwriter/pilot had a guitar by his side, often singing to passengers prior to flights and via countless other platforms. The ASCAP member and NAMM Music Convention Main Stage performer has three acclaimed CTS studio albums under his belt, which have thus far resulted in the Legacy Of Valor Medal from the Hispanic Medal Of Honor Society, and a Founder’s Award from the Military Writer’s Society, along with two additional awards from that organization: Best Song for “My House” and Best Music Video for “You Won’t Be Forgotten.” Senour was also asked to compose the song “Snowball Express” as the theme song for the Gary Sinise Foundation’s program of the same name that serves the surviving spouses and children of fallen heroes.

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Senour’s vertically focused journeys are the subject of his recently released book, Life Lessons From 7 Miles High: The View That Captured My Heart, while also making their way into his upcoming album, Angels and Miracles.

“Flying has inspired much of my songwriting because of the perspective aviation has given me over the years, gazing down at the earth from such a lofty place,” says Senour. “I have logged over 30,000 hours flying different aircraft, which is around 3.5 years in the air. I always imagine that it’s a small slice of what God sees. I believe that it has given me a unique perspective on how precious life is and the gift each day is.

“My music has become a ministry to pass on to others,” he continues. “It’s my hope and prayer that it touches many lives.”

Thus far, it has been incredibly effective, thanks to Senour’s down-to-earth demeanor in communicating both the many blessings and obstacles that have come amidst the flight patterns, yet ultimately pointing to the majesty of the Creator’s handiwork he’s spent a lifetime seeing firsthand from the clouds above.

“When I formed the CTS band, it was with the intent to write music with a great inspirational Christian message, and to get it out into the world to inspire people of all ages to live their dreams like I have,” Senour continues. “We put things bigger than ourselves first, like honoring our veterans, first responders and doing charity events. That has landed us on huge stages and venues across America. From the Pentagon to Pearl Harbor, we have performed in front of thousands of people, giving them hope and inspiration.

Audiences from all walks of life are already anticipating CTS’ upcoming album, Angels and Miracles, which features drummer Joe McGinnity, bassist/keyboardist/vocalist Jerry Nuzum and lead guitarist Dylan Elliott, plus producers Jeremy Parker (Evanescence, Godsmack), Otto D’Agnolo (Glenn Campbell, Waylon Jennings, Billy Preston, Jordan Sparks, Kenny Rogers), and Mark Oliverius (Lorrie Morgan, Joe Diffie, Pam Tillis). The collective results couldn’t be more timely coming out of the Covid crisis, as it confronts the subjects of fear and spiritual warfare, celebrates patriotism, and explores the myriad marvels that can only be attributed to God.

“The theme of the album, and my book as well, is really that every day is a gift to be cherished,” he explains. “It’s easy to get caught up in the world today and lose sight of what’s important. It’s about the struggles we all face, the ups and downs of life, no matter how rich or famous we are. Each of our journeys boils down to the same basic desires in life, which is about loving our families and friends. No matter how much or how little time we have on the earth, it’s about living each day to its fullest and in the end, leaving a legacy behind that people admire.”

The lead single, “Angels Watching Over Me,” is a thrill ride of the tallest order, gradually escalating with walls of stacked guitars and Beatlesque harmonies. “One time when I was flying close to a 747 while filming it, we were almost hit in midair by the huge aircraft. It made me realize that it was by the grace of God that we weren’t hit. If that had happened, we would have surely been killed. It taught me that fear can overcome us, but God says hundreds of times in the Bible to have no fear—His angels are watching over us. There are also living angels, those people who put others before self—servants, like our military or first responders, who are the real heroes of this world, not the fairy tale ones.”

The majestic, string-soaked power ballad “Scrapbook In Heaven,” also a future single, ranks right up there when it comes to tugging at the heartstrings, but in this instance, the song deals with a tragedy that did indeed occur. “Many years ago, I lost a little boy at birth. Life is so precious, and no one knows how long or short we have here. I believe, however, that this life is a temporary journey before the life in eternity. We all have experienced grief and loss, and we all cope with it differently. I wrote this song after losing my boy, Braedon. I believe, however, that one day we will reunite with those we’ve lost here on earth and be in heaven. At that time, we can share our ‘Scrapbook In Heaven’ of all the memories we would have shared. So the song brings hope to a theme that is sad, and brings light to something that is dark. The average life span is about 80 years, or around 30,000 days. It’s not how long or short a life we get, but what we do while we are here that matters most.”

Another standout track is the courageous stomper “War,” which evokes shades of early U2, including the pounding percussion and Imagine Dragons-flavored gang vocals, as it chronicles the ongoing battle being waged throughout practically all aspects of society these days. “It’s right out of Ephesians, about good against evil, light over darkness, right from wrong. This world is filled with darkness, and it is our duty to stand up for what is right, put on our armor and not be afraid.”

The collection plays straight through like a highlight reel, also including the synth-spiked modern rocker “Bright Light City.” “It’s about that uncomfortable feeling of loneliness,” says Jeff, “how at times we feel insignificant, like walking into a room full of people and feeling like maybe we don’t fit in or that they’re all staring at us and wondering who we are. Actually, we all are special in God’s eyes. We all have gifts to contribute to the world and we all have a story. It’s about telling the ‘Bright Light City’ to move over, because we do have value and something to offer.”

There’s also the electrifying “One Life,” a carpe diem anthem if there ever was one; the patriotic piano ballad “We The People,” commemorating the U.S. Constitution and the freedom fighters behind it; as well as the healing, mid-tempo title track that aims to rally enough belief to move a mountain.

“All of the songs on Angels and Miracles are intended to help people to inspire, dream, believe in themselves, and reach for the sky,” says Senour. “They’re intended to plant a seed in people’s hearts to be grateful – ‘the glass is half full, not empty’ kind of mentality.

Whether someone is striving to put the pieces of their personal life back together, seeking to revitalize their faith, looking to meet God for the first time, or has ever set their eyes on the stars with the hopes of one day reaching them, Senour’s upcoming album, Angels and Miracles, and his book, Life Lessons From 7 Miles High, may very well be the tools to help them reach those destinations.

“My desire is to hopefully have the opportunity to touch people’s lives in a positive way, to inspire them to treat others with kindness, and adopt a servant’s heart,” sums up Senour. “God wants each of us to have a servant’s heart. It’s a great feeling, and my mission is accomplished if anyone who listens to the music or reads the book takes these ideas away.”

For Publicity, contact:
Lynn McCain
McCain & Co. Public Relations
Nashville, TN

For Booking, contact:
Robert Preston Montes
Office 951-305-5082
Cell 951-484-8575
Fax 951-305-5083

For Management, contact:
Montes Management:
Representing Universal Music Group artist Jeff Senour
Office 951-305-5082
Cell 951-484-8575
Fax 951-305-5083

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