Stained Red is sounding the alarm on predatory leaders with “Wolves,” a ferocious new rock single released with Resurrection Records.

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The song’s meaty guitars muscle their way through warnings about false prophets, wolves in sheep’s clothing who wait to sink their teeth into the unaware. “Wolves” draws heavily from Mark 7:15: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are savage wolves.”

“We hope this helps people to realize their surroundings and the people they interact with in the state of this world,” bassist David Miller explains.

This high-alert rocker is brought to life by Kip “IronMan” Brockway on vocals, Drennon Mackrell on guitar, Jyothis John on drums and David Miller on bass. The band produced the track with support from Alex Gerst of Empire Sound in Dallas, Texas. The track establishes the band on Resurrection Records’ roster, positioning them for a full length album to come. The band will also be featuring at Rockfest 777 in San Marcos, Texas, and at Resurrectionfest 2024.

In the studio and on stage, Stained Red’s mission remains the same.

“Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few,” Miller says. “Our call is to bring in harvest!”

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