Christian singer-songwriter Stephanie Staples has just released a deeply moving and spiritually rich new single titled “Something More,” now available for streaming on all major platforms. Originally written years ago under the name “Reality / Philosophy,” this song remained private until now, waiting for the perfect moment to share its profound message.

“Something More” is a heartfelt reflection on the need for a present, living hope in a world filled with grief and suffering. The song’s bridge, “Storms will come, waves will rise, houses fall, what a tragedy. When will we learn the error of our ways?”—added spontaneously during a piano session with Mitch—captures the song’s emotional core and has become Stephanie’s favorite part of the composition.

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The inspiration behind “Something More” came from a poignant experience at a funeral. The minister’s focus on the distant hope of heaven left Stephanie troubled, recognizing that the grieving attendees needed more than a “someday” message. They needed a hope that could sustain them in the present.

“Jesus offers more than ‘someday’ hope,” explains Stephanie. “He came ‘to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.’ He promises us living water, a gift of God available here and now.”

Staples highlights a crucial point: while many are familiar with Christian truths, the deeper, more intimate cnnection with God is often overlooked. “Forgiveness is great, but connection is greater. Jesus made it possible for us to experience both forgiveness and an unhindered connection with the living God. Let’s not settle for half truths. Let’s embrace the fullness of what has been given to us.”

“Something More” is a call to awaken and seek the truth that sets us free. It’s a reminder that the present connection with the Shepherd can save us from being “tossed about by winds.”

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