#WhyBible, CCM Magazine - imageORLANDO, Fla.— Wycliffe Bible Translators USA, the largest Scripture-translation organization in the world, today announced it will spearhead #WhyBible, a September campaign to spark conversations about the Bible’s relevance to modern life.

“The Word of God is perhaps the most important ingredient for a healthy, individual faith and a thriving church community. But research shows that a surprising number of people, including believers, are apathetic about the Bible,” said Bob Creson, president and CEO of Wycliffe USA. “We want to start a conversation about the Bible’s power to change lives.”

The Barna Research Group reported in 2016 that just 16 percent of Millennials believe the Bible is the actual, literal Word of God, and one in three Millennials view it as “not inspired by God” or “just another book.” One in five teenagers has a similarly negative view of Scripture.

#WhyBible will run throughout the month of September, and Wycliffe USA anticipates it becoming an annual initiative.

Though launched by Wycliffe, #WhyBible is intended to engage all kinds of individuals and organizations connected to the global church.

“This issue is much bigger than Wycliffe USA,” Creson said, “and our hope is that other faith-based organizations, churches, parachurch organizations and individual believers of all kinds will join in this discussion about why the Bible matters today and to share stories about its incredible impact on individuals, communities and the world.”

Wycliffe USA’s efforts will focus on storytelling, leading with testimonies about the Bible’s impact on individuals and communities in the United States and around the world, and encouraging audience members to share their own testimonies.

Wycliffe USA will also recruit other organizations and individuals to participate in #WhyBible in their own ways, and provide them with resources they can use to start the conversation with their members.

For more information or to sign up to receive free #WhyBible resources, visit https://why.bible/.


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