Yes, the idea is that foreign aid is a significant player in the development of future allies or enemies for the United States. And for a Trump administration that does not put a great deal of value on foreign aid programs that serve without adding significantly to our financial bottom line, or initiatives that show more compassion than brute strength, this is very important.

What concerns me the most is that our human story is not enough. What awakens me at night is the reality that the value of human beings in all our vastness, depth, potential, and imagination, does not provoke us to urgently care for the ones among us who are suffering the most.   The reality that we must couch our argument for why we should help people who are EATING SAND to feel full, in the language of national security, should be outrageous to all of us.

We should be gasping for air because of the weight of this revelation. But, there is a perfectly good reason why we must use this misguided tactic for making America generous again. We the people have not spoken. We have abdicated our role as citizens voicing our wants and needs and priorities, to those we elected as representatives, while not supporting them with a consistent wind at their backs.

Dan Haseltine, Jars Of Clay, CCM Magazine - image

Haseltine with Jars Of Clay bandmates

We rage and yell and storm up to the bridge leading to the castle protected by the dragon. And as our representative bolts courageously across the narrow bridge, everyone else stops and watches.


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