The September 15, 2015 edition of CCM Magazine
Like many of you, I have asked myself this question many times—for many reasons. For the longest, I would throw about this phrase almost as often as the easily misused “I love this” or “love that…”
However, I realized that I was getting this completely wrong. Bantering the phrase, “Is Jesus first in my…,” or “… first in your [fill in the blank],” is just as misleading as contextually overusing the word “love.” Not of my own cognizance, a speaker at church recently helped me to grasp the concept that Christ shouldn’t be first in the many aspects of life—He should be at the very center of our being. The speaker illustrated a bicycle wheel, placing Jesus at the center and emanating through to each spoke.
In “My Story” from their new album Beautiful Offerings, Big Daddy Weave, whom you will read about in the Reviews section of this edition of CCM Magazine, uses song to also illustrate this point:
If I should speak then let it be
Of the grace that is greater than all my sin
Of when justice was served and where mercy wins
Of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in
To tell you my story is to tell of Him
We have way too much going on—to parse Jesus out among the countless facets of our lives seems exhausting and potentially limiting. This way of thinking about Him in our lives has already been a game changer for me. What’s YOUR story—how will you tell others of Christ emanating through you?
Colossians 1:16-17 (MSG) For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels—everything got started in Him and finds its purpose in Him.
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