
'My Story' single
Release Date: September 04, 2020
Genre: Rap, Hip Hop, World Beat/Afro Beat
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K-Anthony ‘My Story’ single

‘My Story’ single

Have you ever stood in front of an audience and thought, “What am I doing here? There is no way these people will want to hear “my story.” If you have, you are not alone. K-Anthony has a story to tell, and it will resonate with young and old alike. K-Anthony has released a new song titled, “My Story.”

We often think that our stories are unique and they are for the most part, but we also all have things that are very similar such as; our faults, our struggles, and our sins. In “My Story,”,K-Anthony delivers the soul wrenching sound that resonates in so many ways with numerous people. K-Anthony’s music is always relatable, but this track brings it to another level. The Spirit-guided message of “My Story” arrests the heart that is overcome with self hate, and this self hate is the real reason for us going after empty pleasures that never really satisfy. The whole atmosphere of this track accompanied by K-Anthony’s powerful singing will push through the confusion of hurt and pain. No one will leave this experience untouched. If we were to say that this track was raw, we would not be going too far. This is gospel with an all out delivery.


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