John Tibbs, CCM Magazine - image
John Tibbs – ‘Heartland EP’ album review
4.5 Overall Score



For Fans Of:

John Mark McMillan, Phil Wickham

We Like:

“Won’t Let Me Go”
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John Tibbs – ‘Heartland EP’ album review

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John Tibbs occupies a rare niche as a roots rock artist who is also a compelling worship leader. Heartland (buy) leans completely into this rare musical space, combining meaningful, heartfelt lyrics with anthems rooted in the titular region. “Won’t Let Me Go” is the perfect example of this beautiful musical space Tibbs inhabits, a driving, earthy number that reminds the listener of the hope found in God’s faithfulness. Fans of Sandra McCracken will also enjoy her appearance on the beautiful single, “Shepherd.”


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