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Stryper – ‘God Damn Evil’ album review
4 Overall Score


Frontiers Music SRL

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Stryper – ‘God Damn Evil’ album review

One listen to the hard rock snarl and towering vocal of “God Damn Evil,” the title track of Stryper’s new album, make it clear that Michael Sweet and company have their feet firmly planted in the 1980s. Their unapologetic approach to stay true to their now classic rock/metal roots rewards longtime fans with blistering tracks like “Take Me To The Cross,” theatrical rock tunes like “Lost” and even meaningful slower numbers like “Can’t Live Without Your Love.” If you’ve ever been a fan of Stryper for any length of time, God Damn Evil (buy) will scratch that itch with new songs that sound like they’ve been a part of the band’s celebrated catalog all along.

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